“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” - Benjamin Franklin

Project Management

Project management refers to the definition and planning, and then the subsequent management, control, and conclusion of a project. It is important to recognize that all projects need some level of project management. The larger and more complex the project, the more there is a need for a formal, standard, structured process. Smaller projects still need a structured process, but it does not need to be as elaborate or as complex. Obviously there is a cost to the effort associated with project management, but there are many benefits that are obtained as well. These benefits far outweigh the costs.

Project Management Institute »



Scrum is one of the most popular forms of Agile. Contrary to many misconceptions Scrum is not considered a methodology. It is a set of guiding principles and framework which allows for rapid delivery of projects and products. Scrum is an iterative and incremental development approach. A key aspect of Scrum is having the customer give regular feedback on the product's development. There by allowing for requirements corrections to the project to be implemented earlier and more regularily than more standard development styles.

Scrum.org »


Business Process Modeling Analysis

A standard Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) will provide businesses with the capability of understanding their internal business procedures in a graphical notation and will give organizations the ability to communicate these procedures in a standard manner. Furthermore, the graphical notation will facilitate the understanding of the performance collaborations and business transactions between the organizations. This will ensure that businesses will understand themselves and participants in their business and will enable organizations to adjust to new internal and B2B business circumstances quickly.

BPMN.org »

Ed Vogel
, Charleston, SC 29403
32.4635 N 79.5552 W