About TPMC

The Project Management Citadel was created to be a citadel of project management ideas, tools and suggestions.

Citadel- any strongly fortified building or place of safety; refuge.

Ok, so for my purposes I may have used the definition a bit loosely but so be it. I liked the sound of it. This site was built with the intention of sharing my experiences with fellow project managers and those simply exploring the topic. Most of the topics included throughout this site will predominately revolve around IT and construction projects. This is simply because since 1998 that is where I have spent the majority of my work experience.

This site will have sections dealing with standard Project Management along with Agile Methodologies and other sections as I find the time to add them. I have experience using the standard waterfall methodolgy as well as agile methodolgies.

Just an FYI, I developed this site using: .NET Core, C#, MVC, MVVM, Entity Framework, JQuery, SQL Server, Unit tests. Even though I may not be fulltime developer anymore, I still enjoy writing code. This site serves as an outlet for me to maintain my old development skills as well as experiment with new ones.

Note: This site is not affiliated with The Citadel.

Developer/Author image

Edward Vogel

Ed Vogel
, Charleston, SC 29403
32.4635 N 79.5552 W