Meeting guidlines for the Daily Stand Up

author image By: Ed Vogel
Oct 2018


The Daily Stand Up also know as the Daily Scrum is the held every day at the same time. This is the time all team members report on on where they are for a 48 hour time period, the 24 hours prior to the meeting, the next 24 hours along with any impediments. The following is a set of guidelines on how to get the most from the stand up from the Scrum Master and Team Members. You may notice the Product Owner is not listed, the PO may attend the meetings but should not be involved during the Stand Up.

Team Members

  • Arrive on time or early.
  • Be ready to say what you did yesterday and what you plan to do today.
  • Report any impediments impeeding your progress.
  • Keep your report specific, precise and short in order to help the meeting end within 15 minutes.
  • Listen to other team member's status in case it might relate to your tasks or impact you.
  • Don't interrupt people when they are talking.
  • Don't agree to decisions or action you don't understand. Ask questions and insist on answers when you need clarification.
  • Note the tasks or action items you volunteer for.
  • If you raise an issue or question that can't be resolved in a minute, ask to discuss with the parties involved after the meeting.
  • For team members calling in, be sure to start by identifying yourself by name before reporting.

Scrum Master

  • Be sure to have (or have access to) your relevant information (the sprint or product backlogs, the software being developed, or the project, requirements or design documents and code)
  • Be sure to have (or have access to) the phone numbers of any team members who you are conferencing in.
  • Be sure to have scheduled the recurring meeting and invited all appropriate people
  • Be sure that the invitation includes the relevant information, such as project, meeting location, project site URL, and conference number.
  • It is your job to keep the meeting focused and starting and ending on-time.
  • It is your job to know why and how scrum works. Look for teachable moments in the daily scrum.

The Daily Stand Up is a great ritual to keep all of the team in synch with each other. It allows for everyone to understand where all of the team menbers are at that point during the sprint. You would be surprised how many issues can be solved by simply having all the members hearing about it and possibly providing guidence from previous experience or personal knowledge.

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Ed Vogel
, Charleston, SC 29403
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