Scrum Rituals

Scrum Rituals

author image By: Ed Vogel
Sep 2018


The following article describes the Scrum Rituals at a high level. We will provide the reader with the general flow of scrum.

Below you can see a very common image showing the Scrum rituals and their interacttion and flow.

Scrum process
Product Backlog

This holds the features and functionality the product will contain. It is the Product Owner's responsibility to prioritze the items in the backlog as User Stories. By prioritizing the User Stories according to business value the current highest value features are always next in line to be developed.

Sprint Backlog

The subset of requirements that the Team commits to accomplishing for a given Sprint.


A short, fixed period of time (usually 1-4 weeks) where the team is focused on completing a specific Sprint Backlog.

Daily Scrum (Stand Up)

The Team has a short (15 minutes or less) daily meeting during which team members report on what they accomplished since the last meeting, what they plan to accomplish that day, and report any impediments or blockers to making progress.

Sprint Retrospective

The Team regularly reflects on what and how to improve their productivity and quality.

Sprint Review

The Team reviews the work that was completed for the iteration with the Product Owner and business stakeholders.

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Ed Vogel
, Charleston, SC 29403
32.4635 N 79.5552 W